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Recognised to have the best academic achievement among the Cambridge College's

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Beasts on the Gate
Old Courts
Fellows Garden
Christ’s College is now recognised as the top of Cambridge’s Colleges for academic achievement. With the renown of Cambridge’s reputation, this is not a position to be taken lightly.
Since it’s founding in 1505, Christ’s College has indeed housed some of the truly gifted and great. For example, John Milton, the English Poet, Charles Darwin,  Richard Bancroft, once the Archbishop of Canterbury and an arranger of the James I Bible, and many other politicians, bishops and writers.  The comic Sacha Baron Cohen who is infamous for his Ali G character also attended the College. Booyakasha.

Christ's College, Established 1505
Source WikiMedia (PD)

College Motto

I Often Remember
The College’s great gate is adorned with the arms of the College foundress, Lady Margaret Beaufont, the mother of King Henry VII. The crest is flanked by two curious creatures known as yales, mythical beasts with goats’ heads, elephants’ tails and antelopes’ bodies.

The gate of Christ's College, depicting mythical beasts called Yales, with a statue of Lady Margaret Beaufort (college founder) above.

The Masters Lodge
Photo © chelmsfordblue (CC)

Christ's College Clock in the First Court
Photo © chelmsfordblue (CC)
One of the other highlights of the College is the striking Fellows Garden. This can be found at the heart of the college and is arguably one of the most beautiful gardens of any Cambridge College.  It includes two mulberry trees, one of which was planted in 1608, the year of Milton’s birth. The tree is hence named the Milton Mulberry Tree and it is claimed Milton composed his famous poem Lycidas under its branches.  Both the trees have toppled sideways and are now earthed up around the trunks. They both however continue to fruit every year, poetically reflecting the great academic yield of this world renowned college.

Part of the Fellows Building and Fellows Garden. The garden includes 2 mulberry trees, one of which was planted in 1608, the year of Milton’s birth
Source WikiMedia (PD)

Did You Know?

At midnight, when there is a full moon, it is claimed that the ghost of a tall, elderly gentleman is seen wandering the grounds of the college around the mulberry trees. The man is said to have murdered the only doctor who had the skill to save his dying girlfriend. Why he did this is unclear, but he now seems to regret his actions and is tormented by the past.

Charles Darwin studied at Christ's College in 1828
Visitor Information
Christ's College is open to visitors daily, 9.30am to noon (4pm during term time). Closed mid May to mid June. Entrance is FREE. Tel: 01223 334 900

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