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Britain > Introduction > Legend of King Arthur

A famous legend based around a Cornish Castle and its sword in the stone

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Long ago, the country of England was ruled by a King named Uther Pendragon. He was strong and wise, and yet he remained unmarried with no children to be heirs to his throne.
But to the south, in the castle of Tintagel (Cornwall), there lived a fair maiden called Igraine. She was beautiful and gentle, and Uther desired her greatly. However, despite all his affections, Igraine refused him, for she was already married. Uther tried to forget about her, but it was impossible. He couldn't get her out of his head. And so, in secret, he contacted the most powerful wizard in England. This man was named Merlin, and his skill was unrivalled. He used a potent spell to transform Uther's appearance into that of Igraine's husband. The king strode confidently into Tintagel, and Igraine was fooled. On that night, Arthur Pendragon was conceived.
Nine months later, the child was born, but because of his illegitimacy, Merlin feared for his safety. The baby was taken away, and raised in secret.
As Arthur grew from a baby to a young boy, King Uther became ill. When he died, with no legitimate heirs, England was left without a King. This was a dangerous problem, as many different lords, dukes and earls tried to assume power. To settle the arguments, Merlin came up with a solution. He drove a sword deep into a huge stone, and decreed that whomever was able to pull it out would become the rightful king.
Many people tried. From all over the kingdom, they flocked to the stone, and put every ounce of their might into pulling the sword out. But they failed, each and every one of them. It began to look like England would never have a king.
A short time later, the young Arthur was acting as a squire to a knight. There was a tournament in town, but because of all the excitement, Arthur had forgotten his knight's sword. In desperation, he looked everywhere for a blade. When he saw one, buried hilt-deep inside a stone, he ran straight up and pulled it out, as easily as one might cut through warm butter. The onlookers stared in amazement. Arthur, to his utter and complete shock, was told what he'd just done. He was crowned King of England, for as long as he may live.
In the following years, Arthur grew into a strong warrior, and a kind ruler. He fell in love with a lady called Guinevere, and they were married. The kingdom enjoyed a time of great peace and prosperity. Arthur sought out the most chivalrous of men, to help him protect his citizens. When they discussed matters together, they met around a circular table, which emphasised their equality in rank and status. These men were known as the Knights of the Round Table, and they performed many great and heroic deeds, from capturing bandits, to slaying wild beasts.
The best of the knights was named Lancelot. His skill with a blade was known and feared throughout every corner of the land. He was also Arthur's greatest and most trusted friend. However, unbeknownst to the King, Lancelot had developed a helpless attraction to Queen Guinevere. When this was eventually discovered, Arthur flew into a rage, and Lancelot was forced to flee the kingdom. Arthur set off after him, determined to kill his former friend.
While the King was away, his nephew Mordred formed a rebel force, and attempted to take over the kingdom. When Arthur finally returned, there was a huge battle, the likes of which England had never seen. Arthur and Mordred fought each other with every ounce of their strength, and when the dust finally settled, it was Arthur who was left standing, Mordred slain at his feet. His followers cheered, but they soon saw that Arthur had sustained a grave injury himself, one that it seemed impossible to recover from.
He was placed in a boat, and floated down the river towards the Isle of Avalon. This mysterious place was said to be inhabited by nine mysterious sisters, who had the ability to heal even the most grievous wounds. It was hoped that they could save Arthur from death.
His subjects waited with baited breath, but their King was never to return. However, his death was never confirmed, and his body was never found. There are those that believe that King Arthur never died at all. Instead, he is merely resting, waiting until the day that he must ride forth, and save the land from evil once again.

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